All Resources by Series
- A Life of Faith: the Doctrine of Vocation 2
- A Reformational Approach to Eschatology 4
- A Second Reformation 4
- A Theology of Worship 9
- A Time for Truth 46
- Addressing Skepticism 3
- Already But Not Yet 4
- Amazing Grace 6
- Antinomianism 2
- Apologetics 101 4
- Apostolic Preaching in Acts 5
- Ascension 8
- Authority (Brand Me) 8
- Can We Still Believe in Jesus? 9
- Children of the 90s 4
- Christ in a Post-Christian Culture 48
- Christ in All of Scripture 5
- Christ in the Old Testament 4
- Christian Liberty 2
- Christianity & Islam 4
- Christianity & Politics 2
- Christianity 101 4
- Christianity and Culture 2
- Christianity and Liberalism 100 Years Later 4
- Christianity and the Arts 4
- Christianity and The World 4
- Christless Christianity 52
- Christmas Episodes 15
- Citizens of the Kingdom: The Beatitudes 9
- Colossians 2
- Comfortable Words 4
- Commercialization of Christianity 2
- Confronting Gnostic Spirituality 4
- Confronting Islam 8
- Contending for the Faith 2
- Contending for the Truth 4
- Covenant Confusion 4
- Covenants 4
- Creed or Chaos 4
- Paul's Letter to the Ephesians 14
- Paul's Letter to the Ephesians (1996) 10
- Paul's Letter to the Galatians 11
- Paul's Letter to the Philippians 2
- Paul's Letter to the Romans (91-92) 25
- Paul's Letter to the Romans (93-94) 20
- Paul's Letter to the Romans (98) 8
- Politics & Religion 4
- Power Religion 5
- Praying As Our Lord Taught Us 5
- Preaching 5
- Progressive Christianity: Another Gospel? 2
- Prophet, Priest, King 3
- Reaching the Dechurched 4
- Reaching the Lost Without Losing the Reached 1
- Recovering Our Sanity 4
- Recovering Scripture 35
- Recovering The Lost Tools of Discipleship 5
- Redeeming Preaching 2
- Reformation Brazil 2
- Reformation Now 4
- Reforming the Church 5
- Reforming Youth Ministry 2
- Resurrection 8
- Revivalism 6
- Romans Revolution 44
- Sanctification 6
- Sanctification: So Now What? Reformation Theology and the Christian Life 4
- Seculosity 2
- Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament 2
- Servant Songs 3
- Shamans in the Church 4
- Signs & Seals 4
- Sin & Salvation 2
- Sola Scriptura 2
- Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide 2
- Soli Deo Gloria (2007) 5
- Soli Deo Gloria: A Life of Worship 5
- Suffering 2
- Suffering & the Christian Life 7
- Sustainable Churches 9
- The "Onlys of the Reformation 6
- The American Religion 7
- The Apostles' Creed 10
- The Attributes of God 4
- The Birth of Christ 3
- The Blue Note: Can Your Faith Face the Music? 4
- The Book of Acts 10
- The Book of Galatians 5
- The Book of Hebrews: Jesus is Better 12
- The Book of Job 3
- The Case for Civility 2
- The Case for Theology & Apologetics 2
- The Centrality of Christ 8
- The Church in the Public Square 4
- The Church Matters 4
- The Creeds & Confessions of the Church 6
- The Cross 5
- The Doctrine of Christ 6
- The Doctrine of Creation 5
- The Doctrine of God 7
- The Doctrine of Man 3
- The Doctrine of Regeneration 4
- The Emergent Church 2
- The Five Solas of the Reformation 5
- The Good Life 5
- The Gospel 4
- The Gospel According to Isaiah 6
- The Gospel According to Joshua 7
- The Gospel of John (1995) 9
- The Gospel of John (2013) 12
- The Gospel of John Year-Long Series 52
- The Great Commission 44
- The Great Exchange 9
- The Greatest Story Ever Told 7
- The Historicity of Christianity 2
- The Holy Spirit 4
- The Incarnation 8
- The King Is Coming 4
- The Kingdom of God 3
- The Lord's Prayer 5
- The Malling of Mission 4
- The Meaning of Christmas 4
- The Megashift View 3
- The Messiah 4
- The Ministry of Word & Sacrament 8
- The Mothers of Jesus 5
- The Parables of Jesus 6
- The Preached Word 4
- The Problem of Evil 4
- The Prophetic Ministry 5
- The Psalms 6
- The Puritans 4
- The Queen of the Sciences 4
- The Reliability of Scripture 3
- The Religious Right 2
- The Resurrection and the Life 4
- The Romans Revolution 1
- The Search for a New Adam 2
- The Sermon on the Mount 12
- The Solas of the Reformation 6
- The Songs of Christmas 4
- The Story of God's People 8
- The Suffering Servant 4
- The Superiority of Christ 8
- The Ten Commandments 11
- The Theology of... 4
- The Unmentionables of the Bible 4
- The White Horse Inn Goes to the Movies 4
- The Word Made Foolish 4
- The Work of the Spirit 4
- The Works of Christ 5
- The World, The Flesh, and The Devil 4
- Theology by and for the Global Church 5
- Tolerance 2
- Toxic Church 4
- Two Cities, Two Loves 6
- Water & Blood 6
- We’re Only Human 7
- What Did Paul Preach? 2
- What Did Paul Say? 4
- What Does Your Neighbor Believe? 7
- What is Faith? 4
- What is Ministry? 6
- What is the Gospel? 2
- What's Important About The Trinity Anyway? 4
- When God Speaks: Great Texts From Holy Scripture 10
- Who Is Jesus? 4
- Why Are People...? 3
- Worship 5
- Worship & Music 2
- Worship That Pleases God 4