The Gospel According to Isaiah, Part 1
What was the role of an Old Testament prophet, and how are we to interpret this kind of literature in our own day? What are […]
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What was the role of an Old Testament prophet, and how are we to interpret this kind of literature in our own day? What are […]
At the time of the Exodus, the Jews were being called out of Egypt into a land of their own, and part of their new […]
In this section of the book of Isaiah, we see the beginning of Isaiah’s prophetic call. Though he has already pronounced the covenantal “woes” against […]
In chapter 11 of his prophecy, Isaiah writes that, “[t]he wolf shall dwell with the lamb.” Many interpret this literally as referring to some utopian […]
Isaiah’s mission was to pronounce both law and gospel. As God’ prosecuting attorney, he was called to pronounce the covenant curses on unfaithful and disobedient […]
On this program the hosts will wrap up their six-part series by walking through the “servant songs” of Isaiah. Again we discover the theme that […]