The Great Commission Survey
Is it more important to “be the gospel” to others, or to “preach the gospel”? To our surprise, sixty-nine percent of the Christians we polled […]
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Is it more important to “be the gospel” to others, or to “preach the gospel”? To our surprise, sixty-nine percent of the Christians we polled […]
On this edition of the program the hosts introduce their new theme for 2011: The Great Commission. In this important mission statement, Jesus does not […]
There is a lot of talk these days about “living the gospel” or “being the gospel,” as if we ourselves are the good news. Some […]
The kingdom of God can only be defined by attending closely to its unfolding in history. The reign of God takes different forms in this […]
Starting with Matthew’s Gospel is like walking into the middle of a movie. We have to go back to the Old Testament in order to […]
The Great Commission is both deep in its intensity (making disciples, not just converts) and wide in its extensiveness (“into all the world”). But even […]
According to a recent Pew study, 70% of Americans agreed with the idea that “many religions can lead to eternal life.” What’s more striking is […]
What is the relationship between Christianity and other “Abrahamic faith traditions?” Is Abraham really the father of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and if so, does […]
In the Great Commission, Jesus did not merely tell his followers to “go into all the world,” but he also gave us specific instructions for […]
Jesus tells his followers to “make disciples of all nations.” But what does it mean to become a disciple, and what are today’s churches doing […]
Take a visit to your local Christian bookstore and you’re likely to find numerous books on discipleship that encourage spiritual disciplines such as journaling, solitude, […]
In the Great Commission, Jesus told his followers to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and […]