The Ministry & Marks of the Church
The world regularly fragments us into various constituent groups where we are divided by age, ethnicity, music preference, or political affiliation. Unfortunately, many of our […]
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The world regularly fragments us into various constituent groups where we are divided by age, ethnicity, music preference, or political affiliation. Unfortunately, many of our […]
Do today’s Christians focus a little too much on the family? According to Jesus, natural family relationships can actually get in the way of true […]
According to Scot McKnight, there is a great deal of emphasis today on social activism, outreach to the poor, and various kinds of programs which […]
Should the church attempt to engage the culture in relevant ways, or does this strategy end up continuing to divide us by worldly preferences and […]
Many churches in our day attempt to make their services relevant and entertaining in order to attract people in the marketplace of competing options. The […]
What is the primary role of the church? Some today argue that its primary task is to participate with God in the redemption and reconciliation […]