Living Christianly
Should grace impact the workplace? How does Guilt, Grace, and Gratitude impact our vocations, relationships, and society? In this episode, Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter […]
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Should grace impact the workplace? How does Guilt, Grace, and Gratitude impact our vocations, relationships, and society? In this episode, Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter […]
How we respond to our great salvation can be called “the Christian life.” In this episode, Michael Horton, Bob Hiller, Walter Strickland, and Justin Holcomb […]
Few doctrines are as sticky as nature and grace. But when we are talking about how God saves us from the power of sin, few […]
How does the law convict us? Does it shame us? Does it tell us our being is ontologically deficient? In this episode, Michael Horton, Bob […]
Do Reformational people read their Bibles? Do they have daily “quiet times”? Is it important for them to pray every day? Sometimes we can give people the sense that all God really cares about is public worship, but what happens in our public assembly should flow down into our families and then into our individual spiritual lives as well. In this episode of White Horse Inn, hosts Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, and Bob Hiller discuss the role private piety plays in our Christian life, considering how we can reclaim spiritual disciplines for our churches.
Many churches preach that your biggest problem is that you’re not living your best life now. Rather than calling people to repentance, they call them to “try harder, do better” so that they can be fulfilled, healthy, and happy. Reformed theology provides a doctrine to help counter this wrong diagnosis of our true problem: total depravity. But sometimes, this doctrine sounds much more like “utter depravity,” leaving nothing good or redeemable about humanity. In this episode of White Horse Inn, hosts Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, and Bob Hiller consider how we hold total depravity in tension with the goodness of humanity.
Is Christianity really as intellectually driven as some of us seem to think? Sermons are lectures. Bible studies, book groups, and theology discussions take on an outsized role in the life of the church. We have difficulty talking to people who don’t know our jargon. In this episode of White Horse Inn, hosts Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, and Bob Hiller discuss how we can push back against an overly intellectual approach to the faith and embrace a holistic church ministry and spiritual life.
Are today’s colleges and universities hostile environments for Christian students? Do our institutions of higher learning value the open pursuit of truth, or does indoctrination […]
Contemporary culture is anything but neutral. In fact, it frequently promotes ways of thinking and behaving that are contrary to Scripture. If we’re not intentional […]
We live in a world of screens that compete for our attention. Though it’s easy to be attracted to the things competing for our attention […]
Are we shaped by the theology of Scripture and the patterns of Christian worship, or by the ideas of our increasingly secular culture and the […]
Dr. Packer, you’ve done a great deal of writing and speaking on the subject of the need for a new reformation, a new awareness of […]