Alistair Begg on Life in a Post-Christian World
In our increasingly secular culture, Christians are beginning to feel like strangers and aliens in their own land. Perhaps, however, we’ve felt much too at […]
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In our increasingly secular culture, Christians are beginning to feel like strangers and aliens in their own land. Perhaps, however, we’ve felt much too at […]
How did so many people in our day come to believe that sexuality is at the core of a person’s individual identity? And how is […]
Spending a day at the ocean can be a wonderful experience, but it can also be dangerous. Sometimes the undercurrents can be deceptive, and the […]
Today’s post-Christian culture is running into dead ends and fatal contradictions. For example, many people today believe that gender is a matter of subjective preference […]
The world is changing. So how are we to deal with the new spiritual landscape in which many of those who claim to follow Jesus […]
Some postmodern Christians have begun to argue that what we believe is not as important as what we do, and that Christianity is primarily about […]
Is Christ the only way to heaven? If so, does that make Christianity an intolerant religion? How should believers relate to outsiders, this side of […]
How can Christians stand for truth in a pluralistic culture? How can we be tolerant of those who disagree with us and still witness to […]
Though moral relativism is a big problem in our time, there is an even greater problem in many of today’s churches. The problem is doctrinal […]
On this edition of the White Horse Inn, we’ll talk with with three young pastors about the strengths and weaknesses of the Emergent Church, and […]
On this edition of the White Horse Inn, we’re continuing our discussion of the Emergent Church movement. This program features an interview with Brian McLaren, […]
Who is Brian McLaren, and what is this new postmodern movement called “The Emergent Church?” This program will explore these questions, and we’ll also be […]