God So Loved the World
John 3:16 is arguably the most famous verse in all of the Bible. But because it is so familiar to us, this well-known passage may […]
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John 3:16 is arguably the most famous verse in all of the Bible. But because it is so familiar to us, this well-known passage may […]
Too often Christians in our day are divided into two separate camps. On one side are the intellectual types who focus exclusively on doctrine, and […]
During the first half of this program Michael Horton talks with Rev. Tim Blackmon about the practice of hospitality in his own church context in […]
The entire Christian story can be understood through the lens of gift-giving. The history of redemption is the story of God’s gracious and sacrificial giving […]
On this program Michael Horton, Kim Riddlebarger, Justin Holcomb and Steve Parks wrap up their discussion of the feasting themes of the New Testament, and […]
Throughout our series on Divine Hospitality, we’ve been exploring the feasting themes throughout Scripture, and on this program the hosts will continue their discussion as […]
Rather than trusting in God’s provision, the people of Israel “demanded the food they craved” as they wandered in the wilderness, This unbelieving generation cried […]
The hosts begin a new series exploring the feasting themes from Genesis to Revelation. After eating the forbidden fruit, humanity was cast into sin and […]
Many Christians throw around the phrase “getting saved.” Yet, if you ask them to define salvation and what salvation is from you may get a […]