An Interview with Senator Ben Sasse (WHI Bonus)
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Let’s face it, most of us have few deep and meaningful friendships, and we end up spending much more time “alone together” via electronic media. Whether we find ourselves scanning our social media feed, or watching our favorite cable news program, we’re being fed a “high-fructose corn syrup” version of reality that keeps us always signed on, always tuned in, and always away from true meaningful human interaction. On this special bonus edition of the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton discusses these issues with Senator Ben Sasse, author of Them: Why We Hate Each Other And How to Heal.
“We are constantly being told that there is some breaking news that you need to know about every two hours, and it’s just not true. Usually what’s called “news” is just some flashy light that distracts us from actually engaging with our own communities.”
Sen. Ben Sasse