Tragedy: Meaningful or Meaningless?
Bob Hiller, Justin Holcomb, Michael Horton, Walter Strickland
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When tragedy strikes us, what do we do? Do we want to immediately blame God? Do we try to rationalize it in some way? Or do we just lose hope? When trials feel like a main player in our lives, it can be overwhelming. We might feel entitled to the answers for our questions. In this episode of White Horse Inn, hosts Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and Walter Strickland take on the challenge of addressing God’s part in our tragedies and consider how to find our way when we feel lost.
- Michael Horton is White Horse Inn’s founder and co-host. In addition to serving as a J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California, he is a minister in the United Reformed Churches. He is the author of more than 30 books.
- Justin Holcomb is a Senior Fellow with Sola Media’s Theo Global. He also serves as a professor and Episcopal priest. He is the author or editor of more than 20 books.
- Bob Hiller is the Senior Pastor of Community Lutheran Church in Escondido, California. He is also the author of Finding Christ in the Straw.
- Walter Strickland is Assistant Professor of Systematic and Contextual Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has contributed to, edited, and authored multiple books in his areas of research interest, which include the African American theological tradition, education theory, and theology of work.
- The Heidelberg Catechism: True Comfort for Life & Death by Zacharias Ursinus
- The Westminister Confession of Faith
- Tsunami And Theodicy by David Bentley Hart
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