Life in His Name Episode 1620 Aired April 24, 2022 Listen Now If Christ really rose from the dead, then it must have major ramifications for our lives. So how does the resurrection shape us? In this […]
Christ Is Risen Indeed Episode 1619 Aired April 17, 2022 Listen Now What kind of sermon did you hear today? In this episode of White Horse Inn, seasoned pastors Eric Landry, Justin Holcomb, and Bob Hiller are […]
Resurrection Objections Episode 1618 Aired April 10, 2022 Listen Now Having established the minimal facts of the resurrection, how do we respond when people suggest alternative theories for explaining the missing body, the empty tomb, […]
The Six Minimal Facts Episode 1617 Aired April 3, 2022 Listen Now “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain,” writes the apostle Paul (1 Cor. 15:14), […]